AM – Reflections on Motherhood

Mothers' Day Message
Humerous and honest, Naomi Olivè seeks to encourage mothers by sharing her reflections on motherhood, it's joys, inadequacies and trials. She also shares with sensitivity her experience of pain and healing after having an abortion. Naomi's call to women is, "Be women that build each other up, not tear each other down. Speak life over each other. Get alongside each other. And men, get alongside the women in your life - they need it."

PM – Question & Answer Evening

NOTE: The PM session was an evening of answering questions submitted by the congregation during the week. Questions answered:

  • Do all dogs go to Heaven?
  • What are the top 5 denominations that are wrong?
  • What's the difference between the "Kingdom of Heaven" and the "Kingdom of God"?
  • Can we eagerly desire and develop the gift of Miracles?
  • Will Jesus reign for a literal 1000 years?
  • What happened to Jesus' body after He rose from the dead?